CANFIELD, Ohio — The Mahoning County Capriculturists 4-H club met at the Colonial Inn at the Canfield Fair Feb. 22. In new business, the club discussed an upcoming fundraiser and the Kinder Goat Show, to be held in June. Adviser Kim Smith gave a presentation on kidding and kidding supplies. Adviser Kim Moff discussed the new website at

Club members were reminded of the upcoming quality assurance day March 5, at South Range High School. Ashley James gave a safety report on bicycle safety. Tyler Moff gave a health report on goat parasites. The club elected officers for 2016 as follows: president, Ashley James; vice president, Tyler Moff; secretary, Chloe Stephenson; treasurer, Abi Downs; news reporter, Molly St. John. The next meeting will be March 21 at 7 p.m., at the Colonial Inn.