Think About It: Harvest Time


It seems harvest time came very quickly this year. It was by all means a very unusual summer. Just about the time you made plans to either plant or harvest, we had to deal with rain. I listen every morning to the weather man and his most common forecast was showers today or possible showers for the rest of the week.

Emily, a lady who works at our local bank here in Hartville, Ohio, told me some time ago that she was raised on a farm and her father always listened to the weather man each day so he knew how to plan his farm work.

My wife and I enjoyed a good day at the Mt. Hope auction last Wednesday. We plan to be there every other Wednesday representing Farm and Dairy. This past week we talked to many farmers and heard several very good comments about the Farm and Dairy. Many farmers told us they would not be without our newspaper.

Some of the farmers told us they were having a difficult time getting their corn harvested due to wet weather. Farming is their livelihood and we should pray for them and not forget them. “The Lord is nigh to all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth.” Psalm 145:18.

Even with a rainy season we still had a good year in some areas. I met LeRoy Coblentz, of Fredericksburg, Ohio, and he showed me a picture of the sweet potato he and his wife raised in their garden. It is the size of a basketball. It weighed 18.4 pounds. That sure is a big sweet potato. If you can top that I’d be interested in knowing it or if you had an exceptionally big pumpkin or vegetable, write to me at Farm and Dairy, PO Box 38, Salem, OH 44460, attn. George A. Hazlett.

God is good to us, let us be thankful for everything He does for us. “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good.” Psalm 107:1.


(If you would like to order my new book THINK ABOUT IT please send check or money order in the amount of $12.50 for each book payable to George Hazlett c/o Farm & Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, Ohio 44460.)

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  1. Hello, We love auctions! Could you expand a little about the Mt. Hope auction mentioned in your article? Location, times and types of wares offered would be appreciated. Thanks. Barb