Corn after corn a continuous challenge for growers


WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Conventional wisdom suggests a corn crop be rotated with another crop. Some farmers are disregarding that sage advice and producing high yields by growing corn in the same field year after year.
With corn demand expected to rise, in part, because of increased ethanol production, more farmers could consider growing corn after corn – a practice commonly referred to as “continuous” corn.
Proceed with caution. There are risks and benefits for producers who choose to abandon rotating corn with soybeans, said Purdue University agricultural economists Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer and Bruce Erickson.
Continuous corn growers should expect higher production costs and will need to produce larger-than-average yields to make the cropping practice worth their while, the economists said.
Lowenberg-DeBoer and Erickson analyzed the economic feasibility of continuous corn versus crop rotation. They found that on a 3,000-acre farm in the Eastern Corn Belt with average rotational yields of 175.9 bushels per acre for corn and 56.6 bushels an acre for soybeans would have to produce at least 225 bushels an acre in continuous corn to meet those higher costs and still earn a profit.
Although several celebrated corn growers are producing continuous corn crops of 300 bushels an acre or more, university research has not shown a yield benefit from switching to long-term continuous corn, Lowenberg-DeBoer said.
Disease, insect problems. Field trials indicate growing soybeans after corn reduces disease and insect problems, and provides easier management of crop residue.
“If we can show that long-term continuous corn works on a general basis, then we need to be able to show a substantially higher yield from long-term continuous corn to make it competitive with rotation soybeans,” Lowenberg-DeBoer said.
“It may need to be as much as 50 bushels an acre more to justify the continuous corn with higher fuel and nitrogen costs.
“If we want to talk specific numbers, then we’re talking about maybe $30 an acre more in nitrogen. We also have extra costs in tillage. Fall tillage is a typical part of this system, so it might cost another $20 an acre or so. All of this adds up to being, for the high-yield continuous system, costing somewhere between $80 and $100 more an acre.”
Seed selection. The seed costs for many farmers raising continuous corn tends to be a bit higher, said Erickson, who also is an agronomist.
“They may want to plant a hybrid with particular traits that does especially well in corn on corn, while there’s a broader selection in corn following soybeans,” Erickson said.
“We’ve also noticed that people who have been successfully raising continuous corn tend to plant at fairly high planting rates – maybe higher than would the typical producer. If you’re achieving high yields planting corn after soybeans you’re planting high planting rates, anyway, but there may be additional seeding costs for the high-yield continuous corn program.”
Organic buildup. The Purdue economists also found that continuous corn requires a multi-year commitment by farmers, and that producers have to think differently about crop residue and soil fertility.
“When they were raising continuous corn for a number of years, it often wasn’t the second or third year but after a period of years that producers seemed to get to the point where they were managing residue and returning that residue to the field with tillage,” Erickson said.
“It seems that the organic matter builds up and then producers are farming in a somewhat different environment than they would if they were in a typical corn-soybean rotation or short-term continuous corn.”

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* For more information about continuous corn and the Purdue economic analysis, read, Weighing the Returns of Rotated vs. Continuous Corn, by Erickson and Lowenberg-DeBoer. The paper can be downloaded online at

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