ALFRED, N.Y. – Alfred State College will help shape the future of family farming with the development of its new Centennial Farm.
A multi-million dollar “smart farm” business plan incorporates and expands on recommendations put forward last fall by an Alfred State College Farm Task Force. The Centennial Farm will be operated according to principles of sustainable agriculture.
Sustainability rests on the principle that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Therefore, stewardship of both natural and human resources is of prime importance.
While college officials did not release a price tag on the new complex and new programs, Alfred State is embarking on a plan that calls for dramatic changes in the current facilities and operations.
Organic. A portion of the Centennial Farm will be certified organic. An additional dairy herd will be added to the conventional herd already in place at the farm. The additional herd will produce certified organic milk and will be managed according to organic veterinary principles. College officials believe adding organic production and management to the current conventional herd with allow Alfred State to offer a new slate of opportunities for research and continuing education.
The Centennial Farm’s new facilities will make it a smart farm where every technology innovation will be used or piloted. The goal is to meet the needs of farmers and the agriculture industry in the 21st century. The smart farm facilities will include:
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