Mapleton FFA holds annual banquet


ASHLAND, Ohio — Members and guests of the Mapleton FFA met at the Ashland University Convocation Center to celebrate the achievements of the chapter and honor many and thank the community for their strong support.


Officers include Jared Wynn, president; Shelby Rohr, vice president; Shelby Emmons, secretary; Katie Paramore, treasurer; Dee Lowman, reporter; Garrett Canfield, sentinel; Emily McKinley, student adviser; Brittany Telakowitz, historian; and Chris Mansfield, chaplain.

The 320 present included the visiting FFA chapters of Ashland, Crestview, Hiland, Hillsdale, Loudonville and Western Reserve.

State degrees

Honored for receiving their State FFA Degrees were J. Wynn, Canfield, Kristy Kline, Courtney Hower, Bobby Steiskal and Annie Chereson. Sixteen members attended the state convention and were honored.

American degrees

Bill Keener, Christine (Ritchie) Gelley and Joni Rohr completed their American FFA Degree applications. It is anticipated that each will be awarded with the highest achievement of the FFA at the 2010 National Convention.

Honorary members

Chad Barr and Kurt Wynn were named the 2010 Honorary Chapter Members.

Barr was a Mapleton four-year chapter member and volunteered this year to shell and haul the school’s corn crop.

K. Wynn, also a four-year Mapleton FFA member, has readily volunteered to assist with a multitude of chores and activities with the school farm and activities.

DeKalb Award

J. Wynn was presented the DeKalb Award. He has demonstrated scholarship, leadership and had excelled in his agricultural work over his four years in FFA.

Other awards

The Star Greenhand Awards were presented to Colton Hickey and Adam Heffelfinger.

The Star Agri-Science 1 Award was presented to Page Reisinger and Herman Haupricht. The Star Chapter Award was presented to Stacy Watts and the Star Ag-Science 2 Award was presented to Kelsey Diedrich. Presented with the Star Ag-Business 1 Awards were McKinley and Lowman. Emmons earned the Star Ag-Business 2 Award. Gabe Schoonover earned the Ag-Business Award.

The Animal Behavior Team with members Canfield, Hillary Krause, Emmons and J. Wynn earned the Most Outstanding Judging Team Award for its banner awarded fifth place in the state contest.

Outstanding chapter awards were presented to (back, left to right) Garrett Canfield, Jared Wynn, Kate Briggs and Olivia Whitaker, and (front, left to right) Sarah Cepero, Brooke Jones, Aubrey Edwards and Katie Paramore in front.

Chapter awards

Chapter awards were presented. Jessica Burrow was presented with the Ashland County Junior Fair and the Equine Management Awards. Roger Tobias was awarded the Soil Judging plaque.

The Parliamentary Procedure Award was presented to Olivia Whitaker. The General Livestock Award was presented to J. Wynn.

Sara Cepero was presented the Dairy Foods Award. The Meats Team Award was presented to Rohr.

The Wildlife Management Award was presented to Aubrey Edwards. Brooke Jones received the Poultry Award. Garrett Boley was presented the Animal Behavior Award. Kate Briggs was presented the Public Speaking Award and also earned the Big Buck Contest.

The Most Outstanding Officer Awards were presented to Paramore and Telakowitz. The Job Interview Award was presented to Haley Yonce. The Small Engines Award was earned by Nathan Steiner.

The Crop Production Proficiency Award was presented to J. Wynn who has been selected as one of Ohio’s top four Diversified Crop Production Entrepreneurship Proficiency Award applicants.

Recognized as earning their Greenhand Degrees were Mandy Adkins, Joshua Brant, Whitney Cadwallader, John Conley, Cody Davis, Haupricht, Adam Hefflefinger, Colton Hickey, Courtney Lewis, Alaina Lowman, Shannon Lowman, Jacob Lucas, Chris Lugli, Austin Patton, David Phillips, Paige Reisinger, Matthew Regal, Kristen Roberts, Tyler Shank, Logan Stokes, Charlie Taylor, Spencer Wargo, Justice Yancer and Kyle Zimmerman.

Earning their Chapter Degrees and honored were Jarrod Brandt, Kelsey Diedruch, Taylor Dillard, Erin Dull, Aubrey Edwards, Casey Hildebrandt, Ieisha Jeffery, Brooke Jones, Katie Mennell, Melissa Miller, Jordan Puster, Jeremy Rohr, Jeff Smith, Zach Stroub and Quintine Turk.

Honored as graduating senior members and presented with sashes to be worn upon graduation were J. Wynn, Meghan Wilder, Emmons, Jessica Burrows, Andrew Hutman, Monica George, Rohr, Canfield, Breanna Shank, Sadie Wiley, Katie Hazek, Krause, Felicia Thomas, Jessica Adkins, Paul Mencl and Brittany Shank.

New officers

New officers are Lowman, president; McKinley, vice president; Hickey, secretary; Paramore, treasurer, with Zimmerman, assistant treasurer; Reisinger, reporter; Hefflefinger, sentinel; Telakowitz, student adviser; and Whitaker, historian.

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