The holidays have a special meaning to all of us. It could be the sights and sounds of the children sled riding down the hill behind the farm house or the late nights making holiday treats in the kitchen.
Or it could be the traditions we have in our families that we celebrate every year. For others, its the one time of the year when they get to come home.
There is no doubt that the Christmas stories of love, wishes and hope, you, the readers of the Farm and Dairy filled not only our mailboxes but our hearts as well. And for that we are thankful!
The judges had a tough time picking the winners but we accomplished the goal as they finished the heap of entries.
This week, we’re featuring the winning stories from the adult division. Each of them brought some emotion to our hearts and some even a tear to our eye. It was quite a task to select the best ones and we appreciate every writer who took the time to enter.
Thank you again for all the entries!
This year’s winners in the adult division of the writing contest were:
Winner: Alejandro Villalva, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army Reserve, 42, of San Antonio, TX
Second place: Mark Llewellyn, 37, of New Castle, Pa.
Third place: Maryann Lepovsky, 65, of Lucinda, Pa.
Honorable mention: Sharon Sweda, 56, of Huron, Ohio
The winning artist for the 6-12 age group was: Dominiquee Costarella, 9, of Hammondsville, Ohio.
This artwork is completed by: Anthony Costarella, 13, of Hammondsville, Ohio.
Also named as honorable mentions were:
Bailey Connor, 11, Wellsville, Ohio; Becca Theaker, 12, Bridgeport, Ohio and Mellicent Marie Costarella, 12, Hammondsville, Ohio.