KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The number of people on the wrong side of the poverty line took a turn for the worse during the global food price increase that peaked during the spring of 2008.
“By our estimation, more than 100 million people fell back below the poverty line because of that increase,” said John Lamb of the World Bank.
Lamb will share his vision for feeding the world in the year 2050 including changes in food demand and the drivers behind them during his presentation at the 2009 Food System Summit.
Keynote presentation
Lamb will deliver the opening keynote presentation during the summit, set for Oct. 6-7 at the Airport Hilton Hotel in Kansas City.
The theme of the summit is “The New Normal — Building Consumer Trust during Unprecedented Market Volatility.”
A variety of speakers will address the lasting impact today’s high profile issues will have on the future of the U.S. food system as well as current challenges and solutions for building and maintaining consumer trust.
Registration information for the summit is available at www.foodintegrity.org.