COLUMBUS — A series of four February meetings, Managing Dynamic Change in the Beef Cattle Industry, will be hosted at two southern Ohio locations.
The program will be hosted at 6 p.m. Feb. 4, 11, 18 and 25 in the Highland County Training and Employment Center in Hillsboro. The same program will be held again at 6 p.m. Feb. 5, 12, 19 and 26 at Alexander High School in Albany.
Nationally recognized speakers will guide participants through the process of understanding of today’s beef cattle business realities, reviewing strategies to optimize herd profitability and looking at the alternatives for buying, selling and merchandising cattle. The series will conclude with a look into planning for the future.
Featured presenters will include beef cattle economist Nevil Speer from the University of Western Kentucky; Duane Lenz, manager of analyst services for Cattle-Fax in Colorado; Ed Smolder from West Virginia University Extension; and Tom Field of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Also on the agenda will be Matt Roberts, Francis Fluharty and Dan Frobose from Ohio State University Extension.
Registration is $50 for the first person from an operation and $25 for each additional person from that same operation. The cost includes dinner with each session.
Reservation forms can be found at the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association Web site or by calling 614-873-6736.
For information, call Highland County ag educator John Grimes at 937-393-1918 or Athens County ag educator Rory Leandowski at 740-593-8555.