JEFFERSON, Ohio — The Prime Bovine 4-H club held its first meeting of the 2008-2009 season Oct. 12 at Joe and Jayne Bodnar’s residence in Jefferson, Ohio.
The club elected the following officers for the new year:
Jason Krulic, president; Kyle Jones, vice president; Jessica Krulic and Tiffany Newbold, co-secretary and co-reporter; Seth Thomas, health officer; Jacob Stitt, safety officer; Jackie Deleaski, photographer; Garrett Jerome and Scott Ruck, recreation leaders; and Braden Jerome, refreshments.
Kyle Jones and Seth Thomas were also elected as market animal committee representatives.
County beef tagging will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 6 at the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds. There will be hoof trimming available for $25 and pictures will be taken for the 4-H books.
Advisers Victor Jerome and Joe Bodnar talked to the club about nutrition, feeding and animal health.
MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — The Marshall County 4-H and FFA Goat and Rabbit Club started off their new year with a meeting Oct.16 at The Barn.
Vice-President Shelby Harris called the meeting to order. Cameron Holmes led the pledges. The treasurer’s report was handed out compiling the 2007-2008 year.
Spencer Holmes moved to accept the report and Cameron Holmes seconded it. Old business discussed was recapping the fair and comparing the 2007 auction prices to the 2008 auction prices.
New business included the elections of new officers. The new officers are Shelby Harris, president; Spencer Holmes, vice president; Cameron Holmes, secretary; Audrey Rine, treasurer and Kyle Clark, reporter.
Ed Loy, the rabbit project advisor, discussed changes to the rabbit by-laws. Each change was discussed and voted upon.
Michael Rine, the goat project advisor, discussed changes to the goat by-laws and showmanship. Changes for this were also discussed and voted upon.
New by-laws will be typed up and sent to each member.
The next meeting will be Dec. 11 at 6:30 p.m. at The Barn.
BURTON, Ohio — The Flockmasters 4-H club held its election and awards meeting Oct. 16 at the home of Chip Hess.
The following club members were elected to hold offices: George Hess, president; Mary Madeleine Ray, vice president; Adam Bruening, secretary; Amanda O’Reilly, treasurer; Joey Roach, news reporter; Dakota Ward, historian; Meghan O’Reilly, social and recreation; and Hannah Adkins, health and safety officer.
Adkins won the First Year Flockmaster award. Ray earned the Flockmaster of the Year award.
Project book awards went to: Dakota Ward, turkey; Amanda O’Reilly, pullets; Roach, broilers; Kristen Peschke, ducks; Ray, fancy; and Bruening, lamb.
The following Flockmasters were honored Oct. 23 at 4-H member recognition night:
• Sheep — Christina Babcock, Alex Beach, Bruening, George Hess, Kate Hess, Colin Love, Collin Meyers, Amanda O’Reilly, Meghan O’Reilly, Jackie Petkosek and Kalyn Ward.
• Poultry — Adkins, Logan Cala, Sidney Cala, Hannah Fenn, George Hess, Kate Hess, Collin Love, Amanda O’Reilly, Meghan O’Reilly, Peschke, Ray, Roach, Dakota Ward and Kalyn Ward.
• Ohio state fair clothing entries — Amanda O’Reilly and Meghan O’Reilly.
• Horses — Petkosek.
Peschke was named a gold medal winner for community service. Ray was the goal medal winner for leadership.
The Flockmasters club earned a scrapbook for being an honor club.
CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Stillfork 4-H club met Oct. 22 at the Augusta Masonic Hall for a Halloween party and games.
The club will have its next regular meeting Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. at Mount Zion Church.