Farmstead cheese guild formed in Ohio


PATASKALA, Ohio – The Ohio Farmstead Artisan Cheese Guild formalized its structure during an organizational picnic May 20 at Buckeye Grove Farm in Beallsville.
The picnic was followed by a tour of the cheesemaking facility, a cheese waxing demonstration and a question-and-answer session.
The guild’s goal is to work with farm owners and others interested in producing and marketing cheese and other dairy products.
Grant. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center worked with a guild member in applying for a matching funds grant. The grant would be used to prepare articles, provide a central location, and develop a Web site, logo and brochure.
The group would be responsible for raising 50 percent of the matching funds.
Officers. Elected officers were president, Emma Stout, Osage Lane Goat Dairy, Pataskala; vice president, Tom Stout; secretary, Dixie Scheiderer, Buckeye Grove Farm Cheese, Beallsville; treasurer, Renae Scheiderer; and executive director, Arlie Stutzman, Millersburg.
Information. For information about the guild contact Emma Stout at 740-927-5996 or Dixie Scheiderer at 740-926-1904 or e-mail